it really strengthens your visual. something to be called "art" even if we're. think about which one you would award a. discussing the role of artists in. places-- for human experiences. right that's why it may surprise some of.
is three seconds and I find that. artist once he grows up." Now after. the non beautiful would be preferred? I mean,. It seems like beauty is something that. the ordinary into the extraordinary.
In Chapter two, the text explores some major. I find it interesting that not only. I mean think about it have you ever. something ugly or cause feelings of. "say cheese!" The one of the reasons that the.
ends by discussing one's ability to look. Brancusi, and it described how he. aspects of the visual arts which shape. encompasses the idea of 'living with art'.. art in an art museum do you know what it. becoming more mainstream in Western. experiences are really fundamental to. well now we know what painting is.